Registration Day – February 1

This Sunday, February 1 is Registration Day from 10am to 12noon. While you will be able to purchase a Strathmore Football Club Membership on the day, it is important to reiterate the league (EDFL) requirement that every player (every season) must register with Sporting Pulse. This must be done online. While we look forward to seeing you on Sunday, you can beat the queues and do the whole registration process by completing a Sporting Pulse registration then purchasing a Strathmore Football Club Membership.

All players that have previously registered on Sporting Pulse have been sent an email allowing them to easily renew that registration. All new players or those that have not received an email from Sporting Pulse should proceed there and register. Then return to the Strathmore FC website and purchase a membership here. It is that easy!

The Strathmore Football Club does have limits to the number of players in all junior age groups so we do ask for registration on both Sporting Pulse and Club Memberships to be completed as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.