Junior Committee

Neil Moxon, Annie Juster, Kelvin Edwards, Lisa Logan, Paula Cocomello, Pauline Conlon, Camille Duggan, Mark Micklethwait, Craig Moffett. The Junior Committe will meet on the First Monday of every month at 7pm. Venue: TBC All Parents and Stakeholders of the SFC are invited to attend these meetings.

2018 SFC AGM

The Strathmore Football Club Annual General Meeting will be held at 7:00pm on Tuesday, October 30th, 2018 at the Clubrooms. All positions on the Club Executive will be thrown open including President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Heads of Senior & Junior Football, Sponsorship, Communications, Events and Club Registrar, as well as all positions on the…

Matt Horne Senior Coach 2019

The Strathmore Football Club is both delighted and excited to announce the appointment of Mathew Horne as senior coach for 2019. Matthew is a long time servant of the club having played all his junior & senior football at the club, a self proclaimed “Strathmore tragic’. Over the last 4 years Matt has honed his…

Big Night Out – June 2nd

The Big Night Out is the premier event of the SFC social calendar. Live band, finger foods, great fun. Tickets given at time of membership admits 2. Further tickets admitting 2 can be purchased for $40 by emailing events@strathmorefc.com.au. So get your dancing shoes on and see you there!

Junior Pre-Season Training

Pre-season training venues and times are subject to change due to ground availability and council directives. Please contact the age group co-ordinators for most up to date information. Contact details: http://www.strathmorefc.com.au/?page_id=16

Registration 2018

Please note that 2018 Registration is now open for all with places subject to availability as usual. As of this point, we are unable to hold spots for previous SFC players so we urge you to register as soon as possible. Full information on the registration process can be found here. Any issues re registration, please email…

2018 Coaching Applications

Coaching Applications 2018 – Juniors With the junior season completed, all coaching positions – including all girls teams – are now open for: Girls: U12 As, U15 As & U18 As Boys: U11s – As, Bs, Cs, Ds Boys: U13s – As, Bs, Cs, Ds Boys: U15s – As, Bs, Cs, Ds Boys: U17s – As,…

Strathmore Netball Club

The Strathmore Football Club officially welcomes St Vincents Netball Club to the Strathmore Sports Club Family. They will now be known as the Strathmore Netball Club & we look forward to them adding value to our community focused Sports Club. Welcome aboard! All SNC enquiries to: admin@stvincentsnetball.com.au